About our country inn and the hotel
Information and interesting facts
We have compiled a concise overview providing information about our Landgasthof and Hotel for you here.
Summary of interesting information:

Since 1.9.2016 Marian and Lenka Less have managed Landgasthof Fürstenbrunn. There are 4 languages spoken in the hotel: German, English, Hungarian and Slovakian!

Rooms & Co
2-bed, 3-bed and 4-bed rooms. Cot and additional bed available for a surcharge. Lovely garden with play area. Storage room for bikes. Free parking for cars and bus.

The landlord Marian cooks here himself and is known for her Austrian and international specialities, home-made pizzas and cakes. All meals are also available as take-away options.

"RupertusTherme" spa, which has indoor and outdoor pools, saunas, fitness studio, Beauty-Wellness Centre and a special family pool is a mere 8 km away.

Leisure facilities
Countless different sport options available. Culture of all kinds in Salzburg and the region. Salzburg's lake area is just a 20 minute drive away. Skiing on the Untersberg (4 km to the gondola).